Where were you born and where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. I am a prairie boy at heart, and my wife is a west coaster through and through. We moved to Vancouver Island seven years ago and haven’t looked back. We feel so fortunate to work, play and raise our family in this beautiful part of the world.
What has been your career path?
Construction has been our family business since 1973. My father started a masonry and custom-homebuilding business after immigrating from Italy. As a boy, I was his regular sidekick on the job sites.
At as young as age 7, I would mix mortar in my own little pail and build small stone walls to keep busy alongside my dad as he worked. Fast-forwarding through adolescence, I worked as a labourer and carpenter, and took on many other roles as well.
I eventually trained as a traditional stonemason under my father. As a mason’s helper, I started work at 6 a.m., hand-splitting field stone at local quarries, loading up my truck and then unloading and delivering to the masons. I would be first on site on those cold winter mornings, building fires and preparing the site for the crew.
In my early 20s, I became a mason too, and enjoyed taking on more complex and artistic projects, such as structural dome cellars. I also attended university and set my sights towards broadening the custom-home side of the business.
By 2017, we had a great presence as a custom builder in Calgary, and expanded to Vancouver Island. I look back fondly at those formative years filled with hard work and tradition, and the honouring/respecting the skill of tradesmen. This is an integral part of who I am individually, and what values our business exemplifies to this day.
What is the one aspect of your work that really gets you fired up?
The dynamic atmosphere of our construction sites. I am in my element during a good brainstorming session on site and collaborating with experts in their respective fields. I appreciate the expertise, creativity and dedication that my team brings to the table each day.
What are you passionate about outside of work?
Mountain biking, especially in Cumberland, and performance driving, particularly at Area 27 Motorsports Park.
What’s the best life lesson you’ve learned in the last five years?
Think positive and be adaptable. There’s a solution to every problem.
Which of your innate qualities or daily practices has led to your success?
I am extremely disciplined when it comes to planning and scheduling. As an early riser, my best work is done in the morning.
What does style mean to you?
Quite a lot, actually! Our family name, Sartori, has connotations to style and being “well dressed.” Historically, my family has long been involved in the fashion industry in northern Italy, and as a teen my father trained to be a tailor before settling into construction.
I feel that style, as an important and inherent reflection of self, takes effort like anything else worthwhile in life. I think that sartorial flair remains in our DNA. I once asked my toddler son what he wanted to do when he grows up, to which he replied, “Make fancy sweaters!”
How would you describe your personal style?
Versatile by necessity. My days go from wearing a collared shirt, jeans and boots at muddy job sites, to being dressed in business casual for meetings.
Style Inspirations & Life
Favourite fashion designer or brand: Mezlan shoes.
Favourite musician: Anyone live, in the moment. Our last memorable concert was Vivaldi’s Four Seasons at the Roman Amphitheatre in Verona last August. While my family is musically talented, I am not, although I am an enthusiastic audience member – whether it be at a public venue, or in our living room.
Favourite cocktail or wine: Kellerei Bozen Cabernet Sauvignon from the Alto Adige
region of Italy.
Album on current rotation: '80s playlists. (Insert eyeroll from family here!)
One thing that consistently lifts your spirits during hard times: My wife and two sons are the elixir of life during hard times. Hiking or mountain biking in the deep dark forest with this bunch clears the head and fills the heart. Consistently.
Fashion & Beauty
Uniform: I’ve got three looks nailed (pardon the pun): for work, flannel J. Crew collared shirt with boots and jeans; for play, Sombrio mountain bike shirt and shorts; for business/formal, Canali jacket or suit, Eton shirt, Brax pants, Mezlan shoes.
All-time favourite piece: A blue Capalbio wool jacket that I bought in San Remo, Italy in 2003.
Favourite pair of shoes: My Viberg work boots, made locally here in Victoria.
Favourite day-bag: My Col. Littleton Full-Grain Leather No.83 Book Bag Briefcase. I use it as a briefcase, and really enjoy the copper pipe handle.
Favourite work tool: My Samsung tablet is invaluable.
Reading material
Fave magazine: Car and Driver. Some habits never change.
Last great read: A Soldier of the Great War, by Mark Helprin.
Book currently reading: The BC Building Codes 2024. I have no time for anything else right now.
This feature appeared in the December/January edition of Boulevard Victoria.