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Business class: Aging with grace

Aligning inner beauty with outer appearance
Tara Graves, from Kelowna's Oval Aesthetics, blends innovative treatments with a personal touch, helping clients of all ages find comfort in their own skin.

In a world where beauty often feels like a game with ever-shifting rules, the irony is hard to miss. We preach about inner worth, while fixating on outer appearances. Yet, behind the facade, many wrestle with the gap between how they look and how they feel. Life leaves its marks on us all – scars, wrinkles, remnants of a misspent youth. Short of drastic measures, what can be done?

Tara Graves knows this struggle firsthand, which is why she’s dedicated herself to the beauty industry.

“By utilizing the most advanced laser technology available, I can enhance my treatments and provide the best results for my clients. But beyond physical transformations, I encourage my clients to recognize their true magnificence, quiet their inner critics, reverse the effects of time and align their inner beauty with their outward appearance.”

Today, Tara stands as a prominent figure in Kelowna’s non-invasive beauty sphere. At Oval Aesthetics, she blends innovative treatments with a personal touch, helping clients of all ages find comfort in their own skin. From adolescents grappling with acne scars to mature individuals seeking to reconnect with their reflections, Tara’s methods have become a beacon of hope for countless souls.

“My treatments address various concerns that come with aging, including skin laxity, pigmentation, texture irregularities, tone and vibrancy. I also treat conditions not traditionally seen as beauty issues, such as psoriasis, eczema and even toenail fungus,” she explains.

“My client conversations and our relationships go much beyond the surface and encompass topics such as menopause, childbirth, life and passion and everything in between. I get to know their stories and their families, and even treat their teenagers after they have been in to see me.”

To better understand Tara’s journey, you have to step back in time. As a young girl, Tara had big dreams of becoming an actress. In her 20s, she moved to “Hollywood North,” working in film and doing commercial and modelling jobs. However, she felt she had yet to find her niche. “Vancouver and the industry weren’t really serving me. I had my son, Kaden, in 2000, and the long hours were stressful,” she recalls.

In 2003, Tara moved to Kelowna, which she says “turned out to be a blessing in disguise.”

After the untimely passing of her partner Doug in 2012, Tara refused to be defined by her circumstances. Instead, she carried the lessons of life, love and loss into the next chapter of her journey.

“I stumbled into skincare through a friend who owned a clinic in Kelowna. It felt like a natural fit from the start,” she recalls.

"It’s not just about aging gracefully, but also about feeling confident in one’s own skin.”

As Tara immersed herself in the industry, she recognized the overwhelming influx of trends and technologies. Determined to cut through the noise, she embarked on a mission to identify truly effective methods amid the deluge of information. In doing so, she created what she describes as “one of my proudest accomplishments – the Signature 5D treatment.” By layering laser applications, she realized she could achieve so much more.

Over the years, Tara has pioneered this revolutionary approach: the integration of diverse treatments to unlock unparalleled results. Initially met with skepticism in the industry, her innovative method has since gained traction on a global scale, solidifying Tara’s status as a true trailblazer.

“To this day, no one else in the world offers this treatment, as I created it myself,” she says proudly.

Ever the entrepreneur, Tara decided to open the Okanagan Valley Laser Academy in 2019, followed by Oval Aesthetics in 2021, which has since doubled in size.

While the 5D Facelift stands out as her hallmark contribution to non-surgical procedures, Tara remains committed to continuously improving her treatments. This dedication led her to create two additional treatments based on the 5D Facelift, incorporating even more devices and layers.

Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies like laser Neo Elite and Venus Viva, she has amassed a substantial roster of satisfied clients, each a testament to the effectiveness of her personalized approach. Each treatment is meticulously tailored using combination therapies to address individual concerns.

Indeed, pigmentation, sun damage, rosacea, thread veins – Tara’s approach is truly personalized because, as she says, “I want people to feel confident.”

New-found confidence also shines through in clients using her hair restoration services, which she describes as “unrivaled” compared to other non-surgical treatments.

“What sets us apart is our innovative approach that combines several scientifically proven techniques to target both active and inactive follicle growth. I have developed a unique and powerful treatment combination that incorporates the latest advanced technologies, providing a comprehensive solution resulting in thicker, fuller hair for both men and women.”

When Tara speaks of her work’s life-changing potential, it’s not hyperbole. She recounts stories of young clients plagued by low self-esteem due to painful acne scarring. One such client concealed acne scars on her back by using her hair as a shield. Following treatment, she felt confident enough to have her first haircut in years.

“I take a holistic approach to acne treatments, avoiding the use of harsh drugs and instead focusing on lifestyle changes that foster clear skin. The changes I make for young people suffering from cystic acne and scars go beyond the outside, which I can completely clear with lasers and skill,” Tara says. “The inner scars also heal, and these young people share with me their insecurities and the trauma they feel. They share news about school, they start showing up with confidence and pep in their step, and smiles on their faces.”

For Tara, she’s in the business of people, and that means connecting with clients on a level that’s more than skin deep.

“Over the years, many of my clients have remained loyal. With some of these relationships spanning 12 years, they trust my expertise, treatments and ability to instill continued confidence as they age. It’s not just about aging gracefully, but also about feeling confident in one’s own skin.”

This feature is from the August 2024 edition of Boulevard Okanagan.